The author sustains, there’s the possibility to separate
the concept of trauma in two different categories, social
trauma and relational trauma and also introduces the concept
of microtrauma. He makes an etiopathogenetic distinction
between the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the
borderline personality disorder (BPD) basing himself on the
previous trauma’s concept differences. The author associates
a social trauma story to the PTSD and a precocious and
constant relational microtrauma experience to the BPD,
considered in the relational trauma category.Referring to
this disorder, in general he deals with a power abuse
undergone during the childhood by significant figures.
Power abuse, sexual abuse, verbal and emotional abuse,
criticism, neglect, carelessness, indifference, disdain,
exaction, deterrence, Self, self-object, etiology,
pathogenesis, borderline personality disorder (BPD),
borderline pathology, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
trauma, social trauma, relational trauma, microtrauma,
dissociative disorders.
a cura di
Marco Baranello
come citare
questa fonte (norme internazionali):
Baranello, M.
Trauma sociale, trauma relazionale e microtrauma.
Per una differenziazione eziopatogenetica tra PTSD e BPD.
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